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Computer Lab
This Institute started Computer Engg. Department in the year 1990 under self-financing scheme with the course of three and a half years duration. Since 1999 the course has been reduced to three years with an eye for lateral entry for these students to Computer Engg. Degree courses & arrangements are made to train the students during intervening period of summer and winter vacations as & when available/feasible. The training & Placement deptt. arranges the training of the students as per their curriculum during the last two semester during which they are equipped with the knowledge of their chosen field in actual industrial environment getting them first hand knowledge of the oppurtinities and challenges facing them as they move from being a technology student to techno-geeks.

The department strives towards technical brilliance and quality education by making available to the students fully equipped six computer software labs in addition to the two computer labs under the World Bank Scheme.The students are trained both in the Hardware & Software and department is fully equipped with adequate no. of systems like P2, P3, P4, Laser Printer, Inkjet Printer, DMP, Scanner etc. The students are trained for preparing and assembling of Key Board , SMPS, Printers and upgradation of 386, 486, models & also training is imparted to them in various projects in Assembly Language on Microprocessor kit(8085).

Keeping a close view on the rapidly emerging technologies, all the labs have been equipped with latest versions of operating systems like Windows 9X, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows NT, Red Hat Linux & PCQ Linux and packages like Turbo C, JDK, JSDK, BDK, Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio .Net, Multimedia & Animation Software like Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Director etc. and RDBMS Packages like Oracle, SQL Server and other tools like Web Browsers and Anti virus softwares.

In addition a hardware/peripherals lab is exclusively for study of installation and maintanace of latest hardware component and software supporting these components. A fully operational internet lab working on ISDN facility to support good data transfer rate is available to the students for research work in addition to the curriculum. All modern equipment like Webcam, Scanner, Headphone & Microphone are available.

The department also has a Digital Electronics/Microprocessor lab to equip the students with basic knowledge of principles of electronics and Micro-computer systems that go a long way towards accomplishing the overall objectives of making the whole process a good learning curve for the students and enabling them to think indepependtly and to understand everything conceptually.
Incharge Alumni:- Sh. Pawan Kumar Garg, 9416515080 Training & Placement officer:- Sh. Rajan Sarin, 8199012340
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